
John Solomou, News

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Ignoring US security concerns, Saudi welcomes China's controversial tech giant Huawei - Hindi News | Ignoring US security concerns, Saudi welcomes China's controversial tech giant Huawei | Latest international News at

International :Ignoring US security concerns, Saudi welcomes China's controversial tech giant Huawei

Chinese President Xi Jinping's high-profile visit to Saudi Arabia this month has caught global attention for signing several strategic ... ...

Captagon pills (a.k.a.poor man's cocaine) are flooding oil-rich Arab states - Hindi News | Captagon pills (a.k.a.poor man's cocaine) are flooding oil-rich Arab states | Latest international News at

International :Captagon pills (a.k.a.poor man's cocaine) are flooding oil-rich Arab states

A counterfeit version of Captagon, which is highly addictive, has become the drug of choice among young people in the oil-rich countries of the Arab Gulf and mainly Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. As it is much cheaper than cocaine ...