
Kuljit Nagra, News

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Punjab Assembly Elections 2022: Villagers lock Congress leader inside barbershop during campaign - Hindi News | Punjab Assembly Elections 2022: Villagers lock Congress leader inside barbershop during campaign | Latest politics News at

Politics :Punjab Assembly Elections 2022: Villagers lock Congress leader inside barbershop during campaign

As the assembly elections are going to be held in the corona crisis the EC has banned all the ... ...

Punjab Congress chief demands rescindment of jobs given on compassionate grounds - Hindi News | Punjab Congress chief demands rescindment of jobs given on compassionate grounds | Latest national News at

National :Punjab Congress chief demands rescindment of jobs given on compassionate grounds

Even as he underlined the fact that it is a moral duty of the nation and the government to take care of the families of freedom fighters and those who give their lives for the country, Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee chief Sunil Jakhar said it woul ...