
Kunchok Jinpa, News

Kunchok jinpa, Latest News

Chinese police detain Tibetan guides on unreasonable charges to restrict contact between locals, foreign visitors - Hindi News | Chinese police detain Tibetan guides on unreasonable charges to restrict contact between locals, foreign visitors | Latest international News at

International :Chinese police detain Tibetan guides on unreasonable charges to restrict contact between locals, foreign visitors

A Tibetan tour guide, Pasang Norbu was detained by the Chinese police authorities on unreasonable charges in a bid to restrict locals from coming in contact with foreign visitors to the tightly controlled Himalayan region. ...

Tibetan activists hold a candlelight vigil in Dharamshala over custodial death of Tibetan in China - Hindi News | Tibetan activists hold a candlelight vigil in Dharamshala over custodial death of Tibetan in China | Latest international News at

International :Tibetan activists hold a candlelight vigil in Dharamshala over custodial death of Tibetan in China

Tibetan activists on Friday held a candlelight vigil in Dharamshala over the custodial death of a Tibetan in China. ...

Tibetan tourist guide dies following torture in Chinese prison, sparks fury - Hindi News | Tibetan tourist guide dies following torture in Chinese prison, sparks fury | Latest international News at

International :Tibetan tourist guide dies following torture in Chinese prison, sparks fury

A Tibetan tourist guide, Kunchok Jinpa, aged 51, who was tortured in Chinese prison succumbed to prison injuries resulting in largescale fury over the custodial deaths. ...