
Linda Pagani, News

Linda pagani, Latest News

Side effects of watching violent television on children: Study - Hindi News | Side effects of watching violent television on children: Study | Latest technology News at

Technology :Side effects of watching violent television on children: Study

Watching violent TV during the preschool years can raise the risk of psychological and academic harm later, the summer ... ...

Researchers outline side effects of watching violent television on children - Hindi News | Researchers outline side effects of watching violent television on children | Latest technology News at

Technology :Researchers outline side effects of watching violent television on children

According to a recent study done by Linda Pagani, a professor at the School of Psycho-Education at the Universite ... ...

Study finds indulging in sports is good for boys - Hindi News | Study finds indulging in sports is good for boys | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Study finds indulging in sports is good for boys

A new study has found that boys who participate in sports in early childhood are less likely to experience later depressive and anxiety symptoms -- known as emotional distress -- in middle childhood. ...

Boys who participate in sports less likely to experience emotional distress: Study - Hindi News | Boys who participate in sports less likely to experience emotional distress: Study | Latest health News at

Health :Boys who participate in sports less likely to experience emotional distress: Study

According to a new study led by University of Montreal psycho educator Marie-Josee Harbec, boys who participate in sports in early childhood are less likely to experience depression and anxiety symptoms in middle childhood. ...

Boys who participate in sports are less likely to experience emotional distress: Study - Hindi News | Boys who participate in sports are less likely to experience emotional distress: Study | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Boys who participate in sports are less likely to experience emotional distress: Study

A new study led by University of Montreal psycho educator Marie-Josee Harbec, has found that boys who participate in sports in early childhood are less likely to experience depression and anxiety symptoms in middle childhood. ...