
Lokeshdas Maharaj, News

Lokeshdas maharaj, Latest News

Narendra Giri Death Case: Anand Giri removed as Yuva Bharat Sadhu Samaj president - Hindi News | Narendra Giri Death Case: Anand Giri removed as Yuva Bharat Sadhu Samaj president | Latest national News at

National :Narendra Giri Death Case: Anand Giri removed as Yuva Bharat Sadhu Samaj president

Post the death of Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad (ABAP) president Mahant Narendra Giri, his disciple Anand Giri has been removed as president of the Yuva Bharat Sadhu Samaj after his name appeared on the purported suicide note of the deceased seer. ...