
Mohd Younis Mir, News

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J-K: Police busts LeT terror module, five arrested - Hindi News | J-K: Police busts LeT terror module, five arrested | Latest national News at

National :J-K: Police busts LeT terror module, five arrested

A Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terror module has been busted in Jammu and Kashmir and one terrorist along with his four associates have been arrested, the Jammu and Kashmir police said on Monday. ...

J&K police busts LeT terror module, 5 arrested - Hindi News | J&K police busts LeT terror module, 5 arrested | Latest international News at

International :J&K police busts LeT terror module, 5 arrested

Srinagar, July 19 The Jammu & Kashmir Police busted a terror module of proscribed terror outfit LeT in ... ...