
Naveen Chettupalli, News

Naveen chettupalli, Latest News

Innovative Campaign on Healthy Lifestyle by Sravani Hospitals On world Health Day - Hindi News | Innovative Campaign on Healthy Lifestyle by Sravani Hospitals On world Health Day | Latest business News at

Business :Innovative Campaign on Healthy Lifestyle by Sravani Hospitals On world Health Day

Hyderabad (India), April 10: On World Health Day, Sravani Hospitals Madhapur launched an innovative health awareness drive to promote ... ...

Sravani Hospitals to honor 50 renowned Hyderabad doctors on National Doctors' Day and launch its hospital website - Hindi News | Sravani Hospitals to honor 50 renowned Hyderabad doctors on National Doctors' Day and launch its hospital website | Latest business News at

Business :Sravani Hospitals to honor 50 renowned Hyderabad doctors on National Doctors' Day and launch its hospital website

Over 50 prominent doctors from the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad in the Telangana state will be honored by Sravani Hospitals Madhapur on National Doctors' Day for the first time on July 1 at Hotel Avasa, Madhapur. ...