
Nikhil Barshikar

Nikhil barshikar, Latest News

Yeh Diwali, Job Wali! With Imarticus Learning's latest Diwali offerings, gift yourself the necessary skills and a job - Hindi News | Yeh Diwali, Job Wali! With Imarticus Learning's latest Diwali offerings, gift yourself the necessary skills and a job | Latest business News at

Business :Yeh Diwali, Job Wali! With Imarticus Learning's latest Diwali offerings, gift yourself the necessary skills and a job

Imarticus Learning, India's front-running professional education firm, is celebrating Diwali with a career day to be organized on October 28, 2022. The platform offers multiple offers, including a referral offer where you can refer a friend and win v ...

Imarticus Learning is set to bridge the skills gap in the analytics sector through a Job-Guarantee Analytics Program - Hindi News | Imarticus Learning is set to bridge the skills gap in the analytics sector through a Job-Guarantee Analytics Program | Latest business News at

Business :Imarticus Learning is set to bridge the skills gap in the analytics sector through a Job-Guarantee Analytics Program

India's Analytics industry is expected to be worth $201.0 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 26.9 per cent. ...