
Paris Brain Institute, News

Paris brain institute, Latest News

Abnormalities in neurodevelopment can lay foundations for Alzheimer's disease: Study - Hindi News | Abnormalities in neurodevelopment can lay foundations for Alzheimer's disease: Study | Latest technology News at

Technology :Abnormalities in neurodevelopment can lay foundations for Alzheimer's disease: Study

Paris [France], June 16 : Neurogenesis, or the development of neural cells from stem cells, begins in the foetus ... ...

Study finds link between creativity of person, their semantic memory and brain function - Hindi News | Study finds link between creativity of person, their semantic memory and brain function | Latest technology News at

Technology :Study finds link between creativity of person, their semantic memory and brain function

How much is the creativity of a person linked to their brain function? A recent study has opened up on this. It talks about a link between real-life creativity, semantic memory structure and brain functional connectivity. ...