
Rakesh Chawla

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MP: 3 killed, seven injured after explosion in firecracker godown - Hindi News | MP: 3 killed, seven injured after explosion in firecracker godown | Latest national News at

National :MP: 3 killed, seven injured after explosion in firecracker godown

Bhopal, Oct 20 At least three people were killed and seven others injured after an explosion occurred in ... ...

Eat healthy instead of taking vitamin capsules to prevent COVID-19 - Hindi News | Eat healthy instead of taking vitamin capsules to prevent COVID-19 | Latest health News at

Health :Eat healthy instead of taking vitamin capsules to prevent COVID-19

As a preventive measure against novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which has infected 126 people and killed three individuals in India, health experts here advised that people should eat healthy food to keep immunity intact. ...