
Suhaira Ashraf, News

Suhaira ashraf, Latest News

J-K LG Manoj Sinha inaugurates sports week to celebrate 75 years of Independence in Srinagar - Hindi News | J-K LG Manoj Sinha inaugurates sports week to celebrate 75 years of Independence in Srinagar | Latest national News at

National :J-K LG Manoj Sinha inaugurates sports week to celebrate 75 years of Independence in Srinagar

Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor (LG) Manoj Sinha on Thursday inaugurated a sports week to celebrate the Independence Day of the nation in Srinagar. ...

Female dentists provide quality dental care in Kashmir - Hindi News | Female dentists provide quality dental care in Kashmir | Latest national News at

National :Female dentists provide quality dental care in Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir is empowering women and one example is that female dentists in the private health sector are providing quality care to patients in the region. ...