
T-1 Diabetes Management & Sports-Fitness, News

T-1 diabetes management & sports-fitness, Latest News

Phablecare, India's largest chronic disease management company, acquires Fused Training, a cutting-edge healthcare startup combating Type-1 Diabetes - Hindi News | Phablecare, India's largest chronic disease management company, acquires Fused Training, a cutting-edge healthcare startup combating Type-1 Diabetes | Latest business News at

Business :Phablecare, India's largest chronic disease management company, acquires Fused Training, a cutting-edge healthcare startup combating Type-1 Diabetes

Phablecare, one of India's leading Health-tech players focusing on chronic disease management, announced today the acquisition of Fused Training, India's first holistic Type-1 Diabetes health management start-up. Through this acquisition, Phablecare ...