
Vivek Khandelwal, News

Vivek khandelwal, Latest News

NewsReach and iZooto team up to educate publishers on revenue opportunities and self-sustainability - Hindi News | NewsReach and iZooto team up to educate publishers on revenue opportunities and self-sustainability | Latest business News at

Business :NewsReach and iZooto team up to educate publishers on revenue opportunities and self-sustainability

New Delhi [India], April 24 (/NewsReach): NewsReach, India's leading sponsored content marketplace, has announced their partnership with iZooto - ... ...

Indore: Congress releases stamps to oppose LPG, petrol price hike - Hindi News | Indore: Congress releases stamps to oppose LPG, petrol price hike | Latest national News at

National :Indore: Congress releases stamps to oppose LPG, petrol price hike

Indore unit of Congress, which has been continuously opposing the inflation of LPG and petroleum products, released postage stamps to mark their concern on the issue on Monday. ...

InVideo launches the April Fool's Day Campaign, pranks 2500 people - Hindi News | InVideo launches the April Fool's Day Campaign, pranks 2500 people | Latest business News at

Business :InVideo launches the April Fool's Day Campaign, pranks 2500 people

The global SaaS Company, InVideo, launched a whacky campaign for this April Fool's Day with an innovative concept to engage its audience with their prank. Announcing a new IVA (Intelligent Video Assistant) feature which could take audio instruction, ...