
Warsaw & Aamir

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The first Indo-Polish film - teenage love story "No Means No'' to boost tourism, reinforce culture connection - Hindi News | The first Indo-Polish film - teenage love story "No Means No'' to boost tourism, reinforce culture connection | Latest business News at

Business :The first Indo-Polish film - teenage love story "No Means No'' to boost tourism, reinforce culture connection

The first Indo-Polish film 'No Means No' ('Nie means Nie' in Polish) is a teenage love story directed by Vikash Verma (produced by G7 Films Poland) and has been majorly shot in the exotic locales of Poland. The film follows in the wake of superstar S ...

The first Indo-Polish film - teenage love story No Means No'' to boost tourism, reinforce culture connection - Hindi News | The first Indo-Polish film - teenage love story No Means No'' to boost tourism, reinforce culture connection | Latest business News at

Business :The first Indo-Polish film - teenage love story No Means No'' to boost tourism, reinforce culture connection

The first Indo-Polish film 'No Means No' ('Nie means Nie' in Polish) is a teenage love story directed by Vikash Verma (produced by G7 Films Poland) and has been majorly shot in the exotic locales of Poland. The film follows in the wake of superstar S ...