
Washington State University's School Of Biological Sciences, News

Washington state university's school of biological sciences, Latest News

Research reveals plants can detect touch - Hindi News | Research reveals plants can detect touch | Latest technology News at

Technology :Research reveals plants can detect touch

Washington [US], June 4 : According to a study done by Washington State University, plants can sense when something ... ...

Study finds that plants can detect touch - Hindi News | Study finds that plants can detect touch | Latest technology News at

Technology :Study finds that plants can detect touch

Washington [US] May 31 Plants can sense when something touches them and when it lets go even without ... ...

Researchers find epigenetic biomarkers to predict premature births - Hindi News | Researchers find epigenetic biomarkers to predict premature births | Latest technology News at

Technology :Researchers find epigenetic biomarkers to predict premature births

Researchers have discovered that a signature found in the cheek cells of mothers and fathers of preterm infants may help develop a test to determine whether pregnancy may end too early. ...

Researchers discover new epigenetic biomarkers that can predict premature births - Hindi News | Researchers discover new epigenetic biomarkers that can predict premature births | Latest technology News at

Technology :Researchers discover new epigenetic biomarkers that can predict premature births

One thing that is extremely tough to predict is the birth of a baby. The doctors usually suggest a date, but the baby is born before or after it. A premature baby needs to be kept in an incubator for some time and is at risk of developing infections ...