Former India cricketer Vinod Kambli reached out to his close friends on Thursday to reassure them about his health following a viral video showing him struggling to walk. After checking on him, friends such as the Couto brothers, school classmate Ricky, and first-class umpire Marcus were reassured by Kambli’s message: “I am fine, don’t believe social media.”
During a five-hour visit with the Couto brothers, Kambli shared fond memories of his cricketing days, including his encounters with West Indies fast bowlers and Shane Warne. He also entertained them with old Hindi songs. Marcus noted that Kambli was in high spirits, recovering well, and looked much better than in the circulated video. He added that Kambli is healthy, maintains a good diet, and enjoys quality time with his family, including giving batting tips to his son Cristiano, who is also a left-handed batter.
Kambli also reassured several other friends, including former teammate Abey Kuruvilla, now BCCI GM, and Ajinkya Naik, President of the Mumbai Cricket Association.