
Ajay Kailash Yadav, News

Ajay kailash yadav, Latest News

Ajay Kailash Yadav - Rajpal Yadav's Cinemaa Zindabad depicting the reality of the Hindi film industry is out now - Hindi News | Ajay Kailash Yadav - Rajpal Yadav's Cinemaa Zindabad depicting the reality of the Hindi film industry is out now | Latest maharashtra News at

Maharashtra :Ajay Kailash Yadav - Rajpal Yadav's Cinemaa Zindabad depicting the reality of the Hindi film industry is out now

Cinemaa Zindabad, directed by Ajay Kailash Yadav, is now out on MX Player. The film has an ensemble cast that consists of some of the fine actors of Bollywood, including Rajpal Yadav, Mukesh Bhatt, Pankaj Berry, Ranjeet Bedi, Maushmi Udeshi, Hemin Pa ...