
Ayurveda & Yoga, News

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Vieroots' Yoga Day highlights personalization - Hindi News | Vieroots' Yoga Day highlights personalization | Latest business News at

Business :Vieroots' Yoga Day highlights personalization

The easiest way to commercialise anything is by making it generic. That is how assembly-line cars replaced customised horse-drawn carts. And that is how modern medicine works too - the same pill for all diabetics. ...

Vieroots' Yoga Day highlights personalisation - Hindi News | Vieroots' Yoga Day highlights personalisation | Latest business News at

Business :Vieroots' Yoga Day highlights personalisation

The easiest way to commercialize anything is by making it generic. That is how assembly-line cars replaced customized horse-drawn carts. And that is how modern medicine works too - the same pill for all diabetics. ...