
Camp, News

Camp, Latest News

A campsite or camping pitch is a place used for overnight stay in an outdoor area. In UK English, a campsite is an area, usually divided into a number of pitches, where people can camp overnight using tents, camper vans or caravans; this UK English use of the word is synonymous with the US English expression campground.
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Nepal: Three dozen tents blown off at Everest Camp, one Sherpa dead under cyclone Tauktae effect - Hindi News | Nepal: Three dozen tents blown off at Everest Camp, one Sherpa dead under cyclone Tauktae effect | Latest international News at

International :Nepal: Three dozen tents blown off at Everest Camp, one Sherpa dead under cyclone Tauktae effect

As Nepal has alerted mountaineers about the danger of potential massive snowfalls sparked by cyclone Tauktae, gusty winds have blown off nearly three dozen tents at Camp IV of Mount Everest, while a Sherpa guide died on on the world's highest peak a ...