
Deepmala Pandey, News

Deepmala pandey, Latest News

UP: Bareilly teacher helps over 800 specially-abled children enrol in schools - Hindi News | UP: Bareilly teacher helps over 800 specially-abled children enrol in schools | Latest national News at

National :UP: Bareilly teacher helps over 800 specially-abled children enrol in schools

Today, many steps and initiatives are being taken to support the specially-abled in all spheres of life. One such example was seen in the Dabhaura village of Bareilly where a teacher helped over 800 specially-abled children get into school. ...

PM Modi lauds Uttar Pradesh's 'One Teacher, One Call' initiative for specially-abled children - Hindi News | PM Modi lauds Uttar Pradesh's 'One Teacher, One Call' initiative for specially-abled children | Latest national News at

National :PM Modi lauds Uttar Pradesh's 'One Teacher, One Call' initiative for specially-abled children

Lauding Uttar Pradesh's 'One Teacher, One Call' initiative for the welfare of specially-abled children, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that such efforts in the field of education shape the future of the country. ...