
Haji Najibullah, News

Haji najibullah, Latest News

US prosecutors charge ex-Taliban commander with killing American troops - Hindi News | US prosecutors charge ex-Taliban commander with killing American troops | Latest international News at

International :US prosecutors charge ex-Taliban commander with killing American troops

US prosecutors have charged a former Taliban commander with terrorism-related offences related to attacks on US troops in Afghanistan including the 2008 attack on an American military convoy. ...

US charges ex-Taliban commander for killing American troops in 2008 - Hindi News | US charges ex-Taliban commander for killing American troops in 2008 | Latest international News at

International :US charges ex-Taliban commander for killing American troops in 2008

The United States has charged a former Taliban commander Haji Najibullah for conducting attacks on US troops in Afghanistan, including killing three servicemembers in June of 2008, the Justice Department said on Thursday. ...