

Kumbh, Latest News

Rajim Kumbh is an annual Hindu pilgrimage held in Rajim, located in Gariyaband district, Chhattisgarh, India. The pilgrim falls in line with the traditional pilgrim fairs like those held in Haridwar and Allahabad.
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Uttar Pradesh has become a land of unlimited potential: Yogi Adityanath - Hindi News | Uttar Pradesh has become a land of unlimited potential: Yogi Adityanath | Latest national News at

National :Uttar Pradesh has become a land of unlimited potential: Yogi Adityanath

Chief Minister Yogi Aditynath said here on Friday that Uttar Pradesh has become a land of the unlimited potential and occupied a significant position in the country in many fields including agriculture, tourism, and industry. ...

UP gets ready for Kanwars - Hindi News | UP gets ready for Kanwars | Latest national News at

National :UP gets ready for Kanwars

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has asked officials to ensure proper security of devotees during the upcoming 'Kanwar yatras that converge on various Shiva temples in the state. ...