
Malleswari, News

Malleswari, Latest News

Karnam Malleswari is a retired Indian weightlifter. She is the first Indian woman to win a medal at the Olympics. In 1995, she received the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, India's highest sporting honour, and in 1999, the civilian Padma Shri award.
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Expect Mirabai Chanu to win Olympic medal: Karnam Malleswari - Hindi News | Expect Mirabai Chanu to win Olympic medal: Karnam Malleswari | Latest other-sports News at

Other Sports :Expect Mirabai Chanu to win Olympic medal: Karnam Malleswari

Karnam Malleswari made history in 2000 when she became the first Indian woman to win an Olympic medal, clinching bronze in weightlifting (69kg category) at the Sydney Games. Malleswari, who has won two World Championships gold medals, expects Mirabai ...