
South Asia Democratic Front

South asia democratic front, Latest News

China using ways to absolve Xi Jinping for messing up with COVID-19 outbreak, say analysts - Hindi News | China using ways to absolve Xi Jinping for messing up with COVID-19 outbreak, say analysts | Latest international News at

International :China using ways to absolve Xi Jinping for messing up with COVID-19 outbreak, say analysts

As the novel coronavirus continues to wreak havoc in the western world since its outbreak in Wuhan last December, researchers believe that the Chinese leadership is trying to absolve President Xi Jinping by using a section of the western media to inf ...

LeT, Jaish and other terror groups exploiting COVID-19 to recruit jihadis, warn Western anti-terror experts - Hindi News | LeT, Jaish and other terror groups exploiting COVID-19 to recruit jihadis, warn Western anti-terror experts | Latest international News at

International :LeT, Jaish and other terror groups exploiting COVID-19 to recruit jihadis, warn Western anti-terror experts

Western anti-terror observers are seeing disturbing signs of terror groups like the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and others like the Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) exploiting the COVID-19 turmoil including the economic disrupt ...