
Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, News

Venezuelan foreign ministry, Latest News

2 US citizens captured in foiled coup attempt: Maduro - Hindi News | 2 US citizens captured in foiled coup attempt: Maduro | Latest international News at

International :2 US citizens captured in foiled coup attempt: Maduro

The armed incursion took place on Sunday in the port of La Guaira, 30 km north of the capital Caracas, which, according to Venezuelan officials, was aimed to overthrow the government of Maduro. ...

Venezuela blames US for 'mercenary attacks' on its coast - Hindi News | Venezuela blames US for 'mercenary attacks' on its coast | Latest international News at

International :Venezuela blames US for 'mercenary attacks' on its coast

Venezuela's Foreign Ministry has blamed the US for attempting to unload mercenary groups onto the country's central coast that left eight dead and two arrested. ...