
Zak, News

Zak, Latest News

Zechariah is a figure in the New Testament Bible and the Quran, hence venerated in Christianity and Islam. In the Bible, he is the father of John the Baptist, a priest of the sons of Aaron in the Gospel of Luke, and the husband of Elizabeth who is a relative of the Virgin Mary.
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Indore Test: Shami, Ishant combine to pick team hat-trick - Hindi News | Indore Test: Shami, Ishant combine to pick team hat-trick | Latest cricket News at

Cricket :Indore Test: Shami, Ishant combine to pick team hat-trick

A day after skipper Virat Kohli rated his fast bowlers as the best in the world, Indian pacers led by Mohammed Shami grabbed a team hattrick just after tea when Ishant Sharma dismissed Liton Das, on Day 1 of the first Test on Thursday. ...