Richa Ghosh was sold at 1.9 crores to Royal Challengers Bangalore at the WPL auction in Mumbai. A total of 409 players will go under the hammer during the auction of the inaugural edition of Women's Premier League. Some of the biggest names from around the world will be going under the hammer, apart from India stars like Smriti Mandhana, Harmanpreet Kaur, Shafali Verma and Jemimah Rodrigues. A maximum of 90 slots are available with the five teams, with 30 being slotted for overseas players.
The lowest price for capped players is ₹30 lakh, which itself is touted to be more than what most top-tier cricketers make in a season at the WBBL or the Hundred. Even players bought at the minimum base price of ₹10 lakh, which will be the uncapped players, stand to earn as much as one of 17 Grade C female cricketers do in the annual contracting process. A maximum of 90 slots are available. Each team can have between 15 and 18 players. Of these, up to six can be overseas players, so there could be up to 30 non-Indian players who get teams.