
Aditya Birla Health Insurance, News

Aditya birla health insurance, Latest News

Catalysing digital healthcare: NASSCOM CoE - IoT and AI launches Healthcare Innovation Challenge 3 - Hindi News | Catalysing digital healthcare: NASSCOM CoE - IoT and AI launches Healthcare Innovation Challenge 3 | Latest business News at

Business :Catalysing digital healthcare: NASSCOM CoE - IoT and AI launches Healthcare Innovation Challenge 3

After the success of first two editions, the NASSCOM Centre of Excellence (CoE) - IoT & AI announced the launch of the third edition of Healthcare Innovation Challenge (HIC 3). In this one-of-its-kind case drive program, there is strong participation ...

Aditya Birla Health Insurance launches new services and products for COVID-19 - Hindi News | Aditya Birla Health Insurance launches new services and products for COVID-19 | Latest business News at

Business :Aditya Birla Health Insurance launches new services and products for COVID-19

With the onset of COVID-19, it has become imperative to realise the importance of health and wellness, alongside having a comprehensive health insurance policy. ...