
Dev Arora, News

Dev arora, Latest News

One Electric Motorcycles and ALT Mobility join hands to deploy the first batch of 50,000 vehicles for B2B Logistics - Hindi News | One Electric Motorcycles and ALT Mobility join hands to deploy the first batch of 50,000 vehicles for B2B Logistics | Latest business News at

Business :One Electric Motorcycles and ALT Mobility join hands to deploy the first batch of 50,000 vehicles for B2B Logistics

ALT Mobility - a market leader in the leasing of electric commercial vehicles, has partnered with One Electric to provide high-quality and durable electric motorcycles for its last-mile delivery partners. Breaking the convention of investing in low-c ...

ALT Mobility launches debt aggregation platform for commercial electric vehicle leasing, plans on investing USD 100mn in next 12 months - Hindi News | ALT Mobility launches debt aggregation platform for commercial electric vehicle leasing, plans on investing USD 100mn in next 12 months | Latest business News at

Business :ALT Mobility launches debt aggregation platform for commercial electric vehicle leasing, plans on investing USD 100mn in next 12 months

IIT Delhi-based Alt Mobility, a commercial fleet leasing platform announced the launch of 'Elektrowagen' - a structured finance solution to mobilize low-cost debt finance from domestic and international financing institutions for electrification of c ...