Lin Huai

Lin Huai

Lin huai, Latest News

Taiwan jails 5 Chinese bizmen for buying votes for Kuomintang candidate Han Kuo-yu - Hindi News | Taiwan jails 5 Chinese bizmen for buying votes for Kuomintang candidate Han Kuo-yu | Latest international News at

International :Taiwan jails 5 Chinese bizmen for buying votes for Kuomintang candidate Han Kuo-yu

The Taipei District Court on Monday sentenced jail term to five businesspeople working in China, who were found guilty of taking money from Chinese authorities to buy votes for Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) candidate Han Kuo-yu in the 2020 presiden ...

Taiwan jails 5 Chinese bizmen for buying votes for Kuomintang candidate Han Kuo-yu - Hindi News | Taiwan jails 5 Chinese bizmen for buying votes for Kuomintang candidate Han Kuo-yu | Latest international News at

International :Taiwan jails 5 Chinese bizmen for buying votes for Kuomintang candidate Han Kuo-yu

The Taipei District Court on Monday sentenced jail term to five Taiwanese businesspeople working in China, who were found guilty of taking money from Chinese authorities to buy votes for Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) candidate Han Kuo-yu in the 202 ...