The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise owners are scheduled to meet on July 31. The meeting is anticipated to take place at the Cricket Centre in Mumbai's Wankhede Stadium. According to Cricbuzz, IPL CEO Hemang Amin notified franchise owners of the meeting date via text message on July 25, 2024. Amin also indicated that a formal invitation with details on the venue and timing will be sent out soon. The meeting is expected to be held in the late afternoon or evening, with all franchise owners confirming their availability.
The primary agenda includes discussions on player retentions and the number of Right-to-Match (RTM) cards. While the specific number of player retentions per team remains uncertain, it is anticipated that BCCI will propose an average figure, possibly around five or six players. The rationale for limiting retentions is to maintain excitement for the auction, as retaining too many players could exclude a significant portion of top talent from the bidding process. According to several media reports, opinions among franchise owners are divided, some advocate for up to eight retentions to ensure team continuity, while others believe that retaining five or six players is sufficient to maintain a team’s core.
The RTM cards are also a topic of debate. Although no RTMs were used in the 2021 mega-auction, proponents argue that they allow players to be sold at market value, while critics warn that it could lead to inflated player prices for profit. The upcoming meeting is expected to address these issues and provide clarity on the retention process and RTM policies.