Suryakumar Yadav was on Monday named as India captain for the five-match T20 series against Australia, which begins on Thursday in Visakhapatnam.On the eve of the first match, Yadav addressed his first press conference as India skipper at the YS Rajasekhara Reddy Stadium in the city.The event saw a poor media turnout, with a senior journalist saying that there were just two journalists at the press conference.
Surprised at the lack of media at the pre-match press conference, Surya replied: "Only two people? The pre-match press conference ahead of the T20 series against Australia must be an unusual affair for the prolific batsman, as Indian players are usually bombarded with questions from the media. Wednesday's press conference, on the other hand, was over in just four minutes as the two media representatives present seemed to have run out of questions.